Saturday, January 18, 2025

Catholic I.Q — The Church’s Social Teaching

BY DAVID O’BRIEN Here’s a 20-question quiz on the Church Social Teaching. It contains sample questions such as: The___ is where people should first learn...

Catholic I.Q – The Catholic Church: Her mission and members

DAVID O’BRIEN Here’s a 20-question quiz on the Catholic Church. It contains sample questions such as: What is the central mission of the Catholic Church? ...

Catholic IQ–Prayer Is Never Trivial

Here’s a 20-question quiz on prayer. It contains sample questions such as: Which traditional Catholic prayer is associated with a sacrament? Which prayer is...

God’s Famous “Top Ten” List

Here's a 20-Question Quiz on the Ten Commandments. It contains Sample Questions such as:  The Ten Commandments are found in which two books of...

Catholic I.Q. — Quizzes about the Seven Sacraments

Here’s a 20-question quiz on the sacraments. It contains sample questions such as: Who baptizes people in the Catholic Church? The___ were the first...

Credal Knowledge — Test Yourself on the Apostles’ and Nicene Creed

Here is a quiz for both children and adults to test their knowledge on the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds. It contains questions on subjects...

Test Your Catechism Knowledge

BY DAVID O’BRIEN Here's a 20-question quiz on the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It contains sample questions such as: The Catechism is called “universal”...

Catholic I.Q. Quiz – Sacraments 101

BY DAVID O’BRIEN Here's a 20-question quiz on the sacraments. It contains sample questions such as: How often can a person receive Holy Communion? ...

‘Tis the Season (Advent and Christmas Quiz)

BY DAVID O’BRIEN This quiz can help you, your students, and your students’ families review what you know about our Catholic faith. Check your answers...