Catholic I.Q. Quiz – Sacraments 101

Sacraments 101 Catholic IQ Quiz
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Here’s a 20-question quiz on the sacraments. It contains sample questions such as:

  • How often can a person receive Holy Communion?
  • Which is the only sacrament that is not celebrated by an ordained bishop, priest, or deacon?
  • True or False: The first Christians celebrated baptisms and the Eucharist.

This quiz can help you, your students, and your students’ families review their knowledge about our Catholic faith, especially the sacraments. Permission is granted to share it at church, school, or at home.

Download the Quiz by clicking here: CAT_Jan2017_CathIQ

Download the answer key by clicking here: CAT_Jan2017_CathIQ_answers


David O’Brien is the faith formation director at St. Timothy Parish in Florida. He served as associate director of religious education for the Archdiocese of Mobile. He teaches theology at St. Leo University and is the author of There’s a Beer in My Handbag: Unusual Thoughts About Everyday Faith.

This quiz was originally published in Catechist magazine, January 2017.

Image credit: Catechist staff


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