Friday, July 26, 2024

May I have your attention please?

LEE DANESCO It happens with frustrating frequency. You come to class packing a solid, well-prepared teaching plan only to be met by disappointing student indifference....
I can’t carry a Tune — How can I use music to pray with students?

Tips for Adding Music to Prayer

I can’t carry a Tune — How can I use music to pray with students? KATE DANELUK Years ago, music was considered such an important part...

Easy-to-Use Engagement Tools 

Get feedback within groups or classrooms  SR. CAROLINE CERVENY, SSJ-TOSF  Two digital tools will engage your students or parents in responding to you when you want...

It’s OK to Put Down the Phone — honoring silence

Breaking the Addiction to Technology Within Catechesis MICHAEL ST. PIERRE I can still remember the Confirmation class I taught years ago. There I was, with 15...

Leading DRE: 3 Summer-Break Planning Strategies

Before you Pause, Look Back and Look Forward DEANNA BARTALINI The catechetical year is winding down. You’ve made it through whirlwind months of working on...

Two by Two

How to Pair Students Effectively in Religious Education JARED DEES “Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two …” (Mark 6:7) “The Lord...

Notes to a Newbie Catechist

On Surviving — and Thriving — in Catechetical Ministry JOY DAVIS You’ve been asked to volunteer as a catechist. Maybe someone tapped you on the shoulder...

Teacher: “I don’t think I’m reaching some of the students.”

Whatever grade you teach, you may have a student that you feel you never quite reach. You notice the child's constant distracted look or...

Encouraging Young People to Discern God’s Call

Get ready for National Vocation Awareness Week LISANNE V. JENSEN As National Vocation Awareness Week approaches, how can catechists, educators, youth ministers, and faith formation coordinators...

Create a Portable Prayer Corner

I first taught religion on Saturday mornings at St. Lucy's, a mission church. My "classroom" was the kitchen. The room was equipped with folding...