How to Approach Mass – a 4min. video with Chris Stefanik
Suggested for middle school, high school, and young adults. This short talk was given at World Youth Day in Krakow, 2016.
Image credit: Screenshot from...
The Eucharist and Sunday Mass
By Father Thiago Ibiapina
associate pastor, Annunciation Parish, Gardner
Special to The Catholic Free Press
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of...
Motivation to Go to Mass (9 min. video)
At the heart of the Mass is worship. What is worship? Stay with this video.
Great for teens and adults.
Liturgical Catechesis and the Eucharistic Revival – Pflaum Gospel Weeklies
By Joan McKamey
Parishes and dioceses across the U.S. are participating in the National Eucharistic Revival in a wide variety of ways. Apart from special...
Catholic Central – The REAL Presence of the Eucharist (Video: 7 mins.)
Need a refresher or a lesson supplement on the Real Presence? Don't miss this!
Photo credit: Courtesy of Catholic Central
Let us Give Thanks to the Lord our God!
The second half of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist is short—but so very full of meaning! We watch the priest do...
Parishes Implementing a Children’s Liturgy of the Word
By Lisanne V. Jensen
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLW) programs are a growing trend at many parishes across the country. During CLW, young children...
Music and Eucharistic Adoration
Four Areas of Preparation
Years ago, I sat on a vacation Bible school curriculum development team. How could we convict our students in their...
The Eucharist Unites Heaven and Earth
A Craft to Support a Lesson on the Eucharist
Sara Jonckheere
Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. We hear it over and over, and we...
Liturgy is Catechetical
On Why Your Lesson Time Ought to be Liturgical
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that liturgy is a “privileged place” for catechesis....