Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Teaching Kids to Respect Others: Racism — a one-hour webinar with Kevin Dowd

In this session, Kevin Dowd draws our attention to Church teaching on the issue of racism and invites us to consider how to bring...

Classroom and Office Organization Strategies

Get organized with tips from those in the field LISANNE V. JENSEN Endless options exist for organizing a space: storage bins, shelves, bookcases, cabinets...

Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities

An excerpt from Salt and Light MAUREEN PRATT Catechesis is a must for all members of the body of Christ, including persons with disabilities. The...

May They Be One

The Eucharist as a sign of unity and a bond of charity SR. MARY MICHAEL FOX, OP On the night before he died, our Savior instituted...

Teaching about Truth in a Time of Doubt and Discord

Four aspects of truth that ground our understanding ANN GARRIDO It’s hard to figure out where to begin talking about truth, isn’t it? Depending on...

A Quick Guide to Praying the Mass

Notes on what is happening at different moments of the Mass SR. BRITTANY HARRISON I became a convert to Catholicism at age 14, so I never...

Advice from a Master Catechist: Five Big Questions About Same-Sex Attraction

Catechist reached out to Courage International for some answers FR. PHILIP G. BOCHANSKI RESPONDS … St. Paul’s advice to the Ephesians defines the catechist’s mission: “speaking the...

A Lenten Mailbox for Catechists

Our hard-working editor at CATECHIST, Kass Dotterweich, takes great care to reply directly to the countless questions we get annually from our readers about teaching and helping students live the Catholic faith.

Souls Reaching for Christ—Anointing of the Sick

A priest shares his experiences from both sides of the sacrament FR. GEORGE “CHIP” HINES When I was asked to write this article, the first thought...

What Are Indulgences?

Question: How can I explain indulgences to my grade-school children? — Newbie Catechist THERESE L. SALAZAR RESPONDS... Dear Newbie: Indulgences can be understood and taught by...