Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Quick Guide to Praying the Mass

Notes on what is happening at different moments of the Mass SR. BRITTANY HARRISON I became a convert to Catholicism at age 14, so I never...

Advice from a Master Catechist: Five Big Questions About Same-Sex Attraction

Catechist reached out to Courage International for some answers FR. PHILIP G. BOCHANSKI RESPONDS … St. Paul’s advice to the Ephesians defines the catechist’s mission: “speaking the...

A Lenten Mailbox for Catechists

Our hard-working editor at CATECHIST, Kass Dotterweich, takes great care to reply directly to the countless questions we get annually from our readers about teaching and helping students live the Catholic faith.

Souls Reaching for Christ—Anointing of the Sick

A priest shares his experiences from both sides of the sacrament FR. GEORGE “CHIP” HINES When I was asked to write this article, the first thought...

What Are Indulgences?

Question: How can I explain indulgences to my grade-school children? — Newbie Catechist THERESE L. SALAZAR RESPONDS... Dear Newbie: Indulgences can be understood and taught by...

Advice from a Master Catechist: Help from a Wise Patron—St. John Bosco’s example

Question: I need a patron saint for my new role as a youth leader and catechist. Please help! — Nervous but willing Sr. Brittany Harrison,...

The Top 10 Things that Every Catechist Needs to Know

BY LISA MLADINICH 1) Prayer and study are essential. As we grow in knowledge and love of God, we become radiant witnesses to his saving power....

Helping Students and Families Learn About Purgatory 

BY SUSAN TASSONE  Purgatory — a masterpiece of God’s mercy It’s no small wonder that coming up with a lesson plan on purgatory can be challenging....

God’s Sacramental Plan: Why we need the Sacraments and the Church

The big picture on why we need sacraments and the Church BY MARC CARDARONELLA Sacraments form the backbone of our religious formation programs. Parents celebrate them,...

Reconciliation and First Eucharist Preparation: An evangelization opportunity

BY DAVID DZIENA A friend of mine (let’s call her “Jamie”) recently posted this question on Facebook: I am struggling with something. I am not...