Friday, July 26, 2024

A Robust Catholic Identity

By Joe Paprocki Overcoming the tendency toward a “beige Catholicism” One of my favorite ideas to borrow from Bishop Robert Barron, is his notion of battling what...

The Catholic Commitment to Community

BY JOE PAPROCKI Third in a series on ways to instill a robust Catholic identity in those we teach Some years ago Verizon had a series...

From Boredom to Wonder: Learning the art of prayer at Mass 

By Timothy P. O’Malley Catechists have often heard the complaint that the Mass is boring. Children and teens express their boredom directly through yawns or...

The Still Small Voice

Helping young people discover silence and sanctuary LISA MLADINICH St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise...

Reverence for Tradition

Our Catholic identity is shaped by a living heritage JOE PAPROCKI As Catholics, we have a “lot of baggage” — not in the sense of having...

Reluctant Catechist Seeks Advice

Question: I’m a reluctant catechist. I keep thinking there are folks more qualified for this than I. Yet here I am, saying yes but...

Five Ways to Use Manuals to the Max

Simply providing information does not necessarily assure faith formation. Similarly, simply providing a catechist with a manual does not necessarily assure that he or...

Proclaiming a Person

JOE PAPROCKI Investing your money is wise, but it also involves risks. Likewise, we need to invest our energies, time, commitments, and dreams wisely. The...

Inspiring Mission with Saints and Service

Question: How can I describe to my fourth grade class what it means to be a missionary disciple? How can they practice being on...
I can’t carry a Tune — How can I use music to pray with students?

Tips for Adding Music to Prayer

I can’t carry a Tune — How can I use music to pray with students? KATE DANELUK Years ago, music was considered such an important part...