Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Immaculate Conception Explained (video)

This might be a little fast paced for younger students, but Fr. Mike offers background on the theology and understanding of Mary's Immaculate Conception,...

Advent in 2 minutes. Courtesy of Busted Halo.

Busted Halo has a creative crew that always comes up with short, timely, share-ables. Like this one! Great for older children, teens, and adults.   Image...

Sr. Josephine Garrett on “Daily Bread Discernment” (8-min. video)

Sr. Josephine Garrett discusses “Daily Bread Discernment” and offers a beautiful talk based on developing a healthy discernment for our vocation.   Photo courtesy of OSV...

A 2-minute video on the gifts of priesthood

An inspiring message from the Archdiocese of New Orleans celebrating the gift of the priesthood. Use this simple message to promote vocations. Find more...

“Amazing Grace”, vocals by Fr. Rob Galea, featuring Maria Legayada

Fr. Rob Galea is a priest with a talent for music and evangelization. This selection is especially beautiful for young and old. Learn more...

Teaching Kids to Respect Others: Racism — a one-hour webinar with Kevin Dowd

In this session, Kevin Dowd draws our attention to Church teaching on the issue of racism and invites us to consider how to bring...

Praying with the Bible: Ignatian Meditation — a 5 min. video from Catholic Central

From the vault at Catholic Central, a good suggestion and a brief overview of learning how to pray with the Bible using Ignatian Meditation....

Catholics Participate in Public Life – (2-min. video from FaithfulCitizenship.org)

The U.S. Bishops present this message that calls us to faithful citizenship in the United States. Learn more at FaithfulCitizenship.org.   Image credit: USCCB.org

Confession is a Place of Victory — 8-min. video

Fr. Mike Schmitz offers a great explanation of confession, the role of the priest and the penitent, and the graces related to the sacrament. Suitable...

Goodbye is NOT the End: A 1-minute homily on the Ascension.

From The Jesuit Post, and Fr. Danny Gustafson, SJ, and suitable for all ages.   Image courtesy of The Jesuit Post.