Sunday, September 15, 2024

Pro-Life Issues in Catholic Teaching: 7-min. video from Catholic Central

The breadth of Pro-life issues in Catholic teaching. This is suitable for older children, teens, and adults.

Ordinary Time … anything but ordinary (2-minute video)

Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of the Diocese of Albany, New York, reminds us that the liturgical season of Ordinary Time is anything but ordinary...

Advent #ShareJesus: Be Watchful! Be Alert! (3 min. video)

The #ShareJesus series hosts a variety of speakers with credible messages that are easy to share in social media, or with students and other groups....

Peeps from Sheep talks about Advent: 2 minutes of fast-paced fun and learning

Pardon the pun.... Fleece Navidad is a fast-paced instructional video for children about Advent. Peeps From Sheep - Fleece Navidad from Catholics Come Home on...

Advent in 2 minutes (video)

Advent in 2 minutes, from the wonderful folks at Busted Halo...

The Works of Mercy (video)

A lesson for any age. Only music with subtitles and depictions of each work of mercy. Suitable for students old enough to read.

Fr. Mike Schmitz on the Woman Woman movie and a Christian’s call to heroism

Suitable for high school age and older.

Videos that Celebrate Catholicism

1. 2. 3. 4. Word on Fire trailer for the Catholicism film series. 5. We are Catholic.    

Making a Good Confession (video + suggested resources)

This video will be helpful for teens and adults. Note the suggestions at the end for ways to prepare for confession: 1. Examination of Conscience 2. Use...