Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Works of Mercy (video)

A lesson for any age. Only music with subtitles and depictions of each work of mercy. Suitable for students old enough to read.

Fr. Mike Schmitz on the Woman Woman movie and a Christian’s call to heroism

Suitable for high school age and older.

Encounters with Jesus: 50 ways to help facilitate that with children, youth, and adults

MARY LOU ROSIEN In the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), three weeks are devoted to the scrutinies — dedicated to self-examination, rooting out...

A Real Steal

“You shall not steal.” (EXODUS 20:15) TERENCE HEGARTY “See, I told you it would be easy!” you heard Lee say. She startled you because you couldn’t...

How to Teach the Ten Commandments to Children

PEGGY WEBER When people think of the Ten Commandments, the words "covet" and "neighbor's wife" comes to mind—or the image of Charlton Heston holding two...

Explore the “Why” Behind the Commandments

The Christian Life Needs us to Address the "whys" of Morality BECKY GROTH There’s a difference between a nice person and a moral person. I’m sure...

An Examination of Conscience using the New Testament

JARED DEES  In preparation for the sacrament of penance and reconciliation, most of us use an examination of conscience inspired by the Ten Commandments in...

Teaching the Lord’s Prayer: “Lead us not into temptation…”

JAMES BLANKENSHIP And when he came to the place he said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into temptation."  – Luke 22:40 People, by...

How Habits Help Teach Morality

Five Strategies for Thinking and Acting Morally JARED DEES With the limited time we have in religious education to teach our students morality, our focus tends...

“Father, forgive them.” — a lesson in forgiveness

BY WOODEENE KOENIG-BRICKER  Forgiveness is a major theme in Scripture. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, God continually forgives the people of Israel for their transgressions. However,...