Get feedback within groups or classrooms
Two digital tools will engage your students or parents in responding to you when you want to poll or communicate with a large group. Mentimeter and TodaysMeet engage our audiences (children, youth, parents, and others) in responding to questions by using the mobile devices that are in their pockets and backpacks. Besides the mobile devices, all that is needed is good Wi-Fi service in the church, classroom, or hall where you are meeting.
Mentimeter This polling tool creates the questions, and your audience gives their responses by using a mobile phone or any other device connected to the Internet. You project the question from your computer on a screen, and participants enter the code provided to them. As they answer the question, you see the results immediately on the screen.
TodaysMeet This application is a “backchannel.” Use it for online conversations — either during class or at a parent meeting.
Once you create a virtual “room,” you let your audience know where the conversation is happening by providing them with the URL — for example: I invite you to go to this URL and answer the question “How could you use the tool ‘TodaysMeet’ for a classroom discussion?” All you need to do is add your name, click on “Join,” and then respond to the question. Use up to 140 characters for your response. Once completed, click on the “Say” button, and your response will be posted. (Room administrators can delete inappropriate responses.)
While the conversation is happening, your audience can review the responses as they come in on their devices. You may want to engage your audience in a discussion about what is being shared.
This can be set up ahead of time, but you do not need to show it on any screen. Simply provide the URL, and participants can access the discussion easily on their phone or tablet.
I discovered these tools at the Future of Educational Technology Conference in Orlando, Florida. Find another article about the 2017 conference with my takeaways for religious educators and Catholic school teachers, “What I learned at FETC: Leading 21st Century Faith Learning”.
SR. CAROLINE CERVENY, SSJ-TOSF, D.Min, a faith-based educational technology specialist, is founder and president of Digital Disciple Network and co-founder of Digital Discipleship Boot Camp at
SUGGESTED RESOURCES: — Watch an introductory video. Use up to two questions per presentation for free. — Sign up for free, or upgrade to a TodaysMeet Teacher Tools account. — The Future of Educational Technology Conference is held annually.
This article was originally published in Catechist magazine, September 2017.
Image credits courtesy of the resources listed above. Top banner photo: by Akhenaton Images / Shutter Stock 393607117.