Here’s a 20-question quiz to review your Catholic faith and explore the Sacraments. It contains sample questions such as:
- The Eucharist we receive at Mass is the body, blood, soul, and __________ of Christ.
- Oil used for anointing at Confirmation and Baptism is called ____________.
- The sacrament of _________ fills us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit just like the disciples experienced at Pentecost.
There is also a 10-question Kids’ Quiz!
Find the downloadable Quizzes and Answers Here: CAT.Nov-Dec2018_CatholicIQ_web
This quiz can help you, your students, and your students’ families review what you know about the Sacraments. Permission is granted to share it at church, school, or at home.
David O’Brien is the faith formation director at St. Timothy Parish in Florida. He served as associate director of religious education for the Archdiocese of Mobile. He teaches theology at St. Leo University and is the author of There’s a Beer in My Handbag: Unusual Thoughts About Everyday Faith.
This quiz was originally published in Catechist magazine, November/December 2018.