Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sacraments and Strength

In early January we often take the time to consider ways for self-improvement.

The Legend of Saint Nicholas: A Read-Aloud Story for Young Children

Today we honor St. Nicholas on December 6. We imitate St. Nicholas when we share the gift of love and friendship with everyone we know, and when we help people in need.

Sacrament Memories

Some people write down their memories of special moments in life.

Baptism: More than Washing Away Original Sin

Many generations of Catholics have thought that washing away Original Sin is the reason for Baptism.

Advice from Master Catechists—January 2012

What are good reasons to combine our parish RE program and Catholic school First Communion celebrations? How can I help students select meaningful, memorable saint names for Confirmation?

Advice from Master Catechists

Master catechists respond to questions from readers.

A Reflection on the Name “Father”


Take This Ring: Teaching the Sacrament of Matrimony to Middle Schoolers

by Kate Ristow For an activity that will help students understand the interrelationship between friendship and choosing a marriage partner, see the end of...

Celebrating the Gift of Faith: Mystagogy on the Revised Roman Missal

As the Church in the United States prepares to implement the Roman Missal Third Edition, the Eucharist leads catechists to reflect on the many ways in which they will contribute to this vital moment in the Church's life.

The Liturgist as Catechist: An Interview

Catechists aren’t liturgists! Yet, the National Directory for Catechesis tells us that catechists are called to promote “an active, conscious genuine participation in the liturgy of the Church, not merely by explaining the meaning of the ceremonies, but also by forming the minds of the faithful for prayer…” (n. 20, #2).