by The staff of CATECHIST
Some people write down their memories of special moments in life. Below are seven memories written by young people who received a Sacrament or were at the celebration of a Sacrament that someone else received. Read each memory and write below it the Sacrament to which the person refers. Correct responses are at the bottom of the page.
When I received Jesus’ body and blood today, I knew he was really with me. Jesus told us to do this in memory of him. This is how Jesus is one with us and we are one with him and others. I am really with Jesus and so I feel close to him in a special way.
Today I talked to God through the priest. I talked about my sins and how sorry I am for all of them. Then I prayed an Act of Contrition. I was forgiven—and I know God always forgives me. I feel a special peace.
Today my baby sister became a member of Christ in the Church. Water was poured over her head and she was anointed with holy oil, called chrism. She was given a special candle and a white garment. This is a new life for her. Awesome.
Today I renewed my baptismal promises, prayed the Creed, and was anointed with holy oil. The bishop extended his hands over me and asked that the Holy Spirit come to be my helper and guide. I am stronger in my faith. I want to help others and serve them.
I am so happy for my Aunt Mary and Uncle Mark. Now they are husband and wife. They received a special grace to love each other and the children they will have for the rest of their lives. They love each other the way Jesus loves the Church.
Today my Uncle Dan became a priest. He will lead, teach, and serve all of God’s people. He has a special sacred power that is Jesus and so he will love and serve others in Jesus’ name. He will be a priest in a parish and that’s going to be a lucky parish.
Grandma Ellen was anointed with oil today as a sign of God’s special grace and healing. She is sick, and so with this blessing, she knows Jesus’ love and our love, and she feels comforted. It was like Jesus healing the sick in the Bible.
A: Eucharist B: Penance and Reconciliation C: Baptism D: Confirmation E: Matrimony/Marriage F: Holy Orders G: Anointing of the Sick
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This article was written by the Catechist Staff and appeared in Catechist magazine, December 2009.
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