Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prayers in the Face of Violence and Terrorism

As the world reels from the recent terrorism against New Zealand mosques, we, once again offer these prayer resources for our readers. First, a...

Practice Simplicity

KATHY HENDRICKS When my husband and I put our house on the market several years ago, we were thrown into an extensive round of clutter...

Into the Quiet

Apps and links for praying the daily Mass readings and the examen PAT GOHN The ubiquitous use of smartphones and tablets around the world can prove...

An Attitude of Gratitude

You are generous and gracious, Lord and for that, my soul and heart are grateful all the days of my life. Thank you for the grace to proclaim your...

The Sacraments of Christian Initiation—A Gathering Prayer

Here at CATECHIST we usually focus the January issue on our gift of the Sacraments.

Feeding My Soul with Agape, Counsel, and Mystery

Feeding My Soul is designed especially for you—the catechist. It names a catechetical value and gives you the words of prayer for your personal time with the Lord.

Teach Us to Pray

The question is often asked today, "Are we teaching our children, our young people, and our adults how to pray?"

Prayer to Share with Other Catechists

Lord, we gather with a common heritage—our faith. We gather with a common purpose—to teach that faith. As a small faith community, we pray for our...

Lent and the Call to Holiness

BY MARCELLINO D’AMBROSIO At age 16, I thought that aspiring to holiness was out of the question. If you really wanted to be holy, I thought,...

What Have We Missed? A Prayer Service for Lent

MARY McENTEE McGILL Ash Wednesday is a day when we are blessed with ashes and told to repent of our sins and believe the Good...