Friday, April 26, 2024

E-Book Offers 30 Days of Inspiration from Benedict XVI

PERFECT FOR THE PARISH OR PERSONAL USE! Throughout his papacy, the late Pope Benedict XVI promised to continue Pope John Paul II’s legacy of reaching...

7 Steps for a Do-It-Yourself Retreat

Plan this retreat for catechists involved in sacramental formation BY DEANNA BARTALINI Catechists work hard. They share their faith and knowledge, and they give up personal...

Forgiveness: Asked and Offered — Excerpt from Finding Your Spiritual Direction as a Catechist

An excerpt from Finding Your Spiritual Direction as a Catechist By William B. Miller Chapter 7: Forgiveness If you were to ask a dozen people to give...

5 Tips for Forming Catechists’ Spirituality

DR. LORI DAHLHOFF Nurturing the spirituality of catechists is crucial to providing effective religious education. Daily meditation on Scripture Incorporate guided meditation on Scripture into meetings...

Rules, Rules, Rules

Making Sense of Church Requirements SUSIE LLOYD Catholicism is hard. At least that’s its reputation. All those rules. ... As if the Ten Commandments weren’t enough,...

Blessed Are You: Understanding and Teaching the Beatitudes

FATHER DWIGHT LONGENECKER One of my favorite Gospel stories is the account of Jesus cleansing the temple. When he turned over the moneychangers' tables, he...

Resources: Prayer for Times of Trouble, Tragedy, or Sadness; plus a parish resource

Many lives have been affected by increased gun violence in our country. We turn to God in prayer as we mourn for the dead...

Prayers in the Face of Violence and Terrorism

As the world reels from the recent terrorism against New Zealand mosques, we, once again offer these prayer resources for our readers. First, a...

Practice Simplicity

KATHY HENDRICKS When my husband and I put our house on the market several years ago, we were thrown into an extensive round of clutter...

Into the Quiet

Apps and links for praying the daily Mass readings and the examen PAT GOHN The ubiquitous use of smartphones and tablets around the world can prove...