Ordinary Time … anything but ordinary (2-minute video)
Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger of the Diocese of Albany, New York, reminds us that the liturgical season of Ordinary Time is anything but ordinary...
A Real Steal
“You shall not steal.” (EXODUS 20:15)
“See, I told you it would be easy!” you heard Lee say. She startled you because you couldn’t...
Template for Prayer Bag Craft
Download this template to use with the craft found in Catechist magazine, February, 2019.
Click on this link: Paper Bag Prayer Book Templates
Scripture Prompts Craft
Help children memorize Bible verses with this Scripture craft
In an effort to bring different types of prayer into your classroom, try this craft...
Developing Inclusive Learning Environments
Tech tips and the universal design for learning
Today’s classrooms contain a diverse mix of students, each with unique talents, needs, and levels of...
Ukrainian Song of Prayer
Please continue to pray for those in harm's way in Ukraine and the many who have fled home and all things familiar to seek...
Leading DRE: Improving Communications with Parents
A bridge for relationship and growth
As catechetical leaders, we experience firsthand the reality that “parents are the principal and first educators of...
Lend a Hand, Lift a Heart!
'Lend a Hand, Lift a Heart!' was the theme for the religious education program at St. Roch Parish in Flat Rock, MI....
A Catechism Update!
Pope Francis revises teaching on the death penalty to better reflect the sacred dignity of
the human person — and promote a culture of life
First Communion Prep Tips: Adaptations for Children with Special Needs
By David and Mercedes Rizzo
Holy Communion is one of the main ways we encounter Jesus. Preparation for First Communion is an important focus of...