Friday, October 11, 2024

The Beatitudes: An Introduction

Every time I think of the Sermon on the Mount, I am reminded of two quotes.

Profound Respect for the Dignity of Human Life

A continuing series on ways to instill a robust Catholic identity in those we teach BY JOE PAPROCKI In our exploration of Catholic identity in this...

More Than Math!

How Catechists Teach Differently Than Any Other Kind of Teacher Jared Dees When I first started out as a religious educator, I used to be envious...

No evil will be healed unless it is surfaced and made visible

John Cavadini, writing at Notre Dame's Church Life Journal, in an article, "Guidelines for Any Appropriate Response to the Catholic Abuse Crisis," offers a...

The Catechist with a Green Halo

Using Aristotelian concepts as a teaching method AARON T. MARTIN One of the most beautiful churches in the country stands at Lexington Avenue and 66th Street...

50 Years Later: Unwrapping Humanae Vitae

Sr. Brittany Harrison, FMA A gift for teens and teachers alike This year, the Church commemorates the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical...

The Ladder of the Beatitudes II: Embracing the Challenge

Gregory of Nyssa imagined the Beatitudes as a staircase ascending toward God—each one needing to be fulfilled in order to take the next step.

What is Theology of the Body? With Christopher West

Christopher West offers a new "introduction" video to St. John Paul II's theology of the body. This 11-minute talk is appropriate for high school...

The Beauty of the Church’s Vision of Marriage

Sacred Scripture grounds our understanding of Matrimony JOHN S. GRABOWSKI EDITOR’S NOTE: It is recommended that you read Genesis 1–3 as a preparation for this catechesis....

A Catechism Lesson: Discouraged by Evil and Sin? Take heart!

By Pat Gohn Discouraged by evil and sin? Take heart! Our Catholic faith helps us understand the spiritual battle between God and evil. We’ve all...