The Catechist and Scripture — A Parish-Based Retreat
Praying and reflecting on who we are as catechists
This retreat is designed so that a local director of religious education and a...
The Language of Catechesis: Terms and Definitions
by Kate Ristow
At the end of this article, you will find ideas for nurturing and nourishing your faith beyond knowing Catholic vocabulary.
The idea...
Teaching Students to Show Reverence at Mass
The Mass is rich with tradition and meaning.
Jason Evert discusses homosexuality, gay marriage, and holiness
This is a powerful presentation. Recommended for teens, high school age and older.
From the video's description on You Tube: "In this segment from Ascension's...
The Time-Honored Sign of the Cross
Q: Some non-Catholics have criticized the gesture of the Sign of the Cross as either an empty ritual, something superstitious, or worse. Any advice...
Effective Teaching: The Catholic Language of Mystery
By Joe Paprocki
How Catholics rely on sacramentality to transcend words
What is your native tongue? If you’re Catholic, your true “native tongue” is a language...
Proofs of God — a 7-minute video from Catholic Central
The Catholic view of God helps us learn proofs of his existence. Learn more from the Catholic Central team in this short video outlining...
The Ladder of the Beatitudes II: Embracing the Challenge
Gregory of Nyssa imagined the Beatitudes as a staircase ascending toward God—each one needing to be fulfilled in order to take the next step.
50 Years Later: Unwrapping Humanae Vitae
Sr. Brittany Harrison, FMA
A gift for teens and teachers alike
This year, the Church commemorates the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical...
The Ten Commandments: Road Map to Salvation
Cecil B. DeMille's epic movie, The Ten Commandments (Paramount, 1956), is not steeped in Biblical scholarship, but many Catholics remember seeing it more...