Monday, December 9, 2024

The Family that Prays Together Stays Together

SUSIE LLOYD There’s a famous saying, “The family that prays together stays together.” My parents had this quote on a plaque hanging on the wall...

The Ten Commandments: Road Map to Salvation

EVELYN S. MAUTNER Cecil B. DeMille's epic movie, The Ten Commandments (Paramount, 1956), is not steeped in Biblical scholarship, but many Catholics remember seeing it more...

Christopher West: “Sex, Gender, and Jesus” (Multi-part video)

Christopher West, a Catholic author and speaker best known for his powerful presentations on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, presented a...

Blessed Are You: Understanding and Teaching the Beatitudes

FATHER DWIGHT LONGENECKER One of my favorite Gospel stories is the account of Jesus cleansing the temple. When he turned over the moneychangers' tables, he...

Proofs of God — a 7-minute video from Catholic Central

The Catholic view of God helps us learn proofs of his existence. Learn more from the Catholic Central team in this short video outlining...

Pope Francis releases new document on the Call to Holiness

This week Pope Francis has issued a new apostolic exhortation on the call to holiness. It's Latin name is Gaudete Et Exsultate, which means "rejoice...

A Family Together: Words We Know By Heart

Jesus taught us the words of the Our Father and wanted us to remember them. He knew that if we kept the words he taught us in our hearts, we would always know how to pray. There are other words that we know by heart because they are important to our Catholic faith.

The Beatitudes: An Introduction

Every time I think of the Sermon on the Mount, I am reminded of two quotes.

The Language of Catechesis: Terms and Definitions

by Kate Ristow At the end of this article, you will find ideas for nurturing and nourishing your faith beyond knowing Catholic vocabulary. The idea...

50 Years Later: Unwrapping Humanae Vitae

Sr. Brittany Harrison, FMA A gift for teens and teachers alike This year, the Church commemorates the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical...