Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pope Francis releases new document on the Call to Holiness

This week Pope Francis has issued a new apostolic exhortation on the call to holiness. It's Latin name is Gaudete Et Exsultate, which means "rejoice...

Education in Community Life

By Sr. Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND A community is a group of people who are united because they share common values. A priest once told...

Men of St. Joseph and the New Evangelization

A Profile of a Parish-based Ministry for Men ZACHARY MORGAN Facilitating relevant ministries for the spiritual edification of men can be difficult. Men’s ministries most often...

Bible 101

A helpful overview for reading the Bible CATHRYN TORGERSON Reading the Bible is a wonderful adventure! But sometimes it can leave us feeling a little lost,...

Christopher West: “Sex, Gender, and Jesus” (Multi-part video)

Christopher West, a Catholic author and speaker best known for his powerful presentations on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, presented a...