Friday, October 11, 2024

Teaching Students to Show Reverence at Mass

The Mass is rich with tradition and meaning.

Discover the Sacraments in the Bible

Woodeene Koenig-Bricker For many Catholics, the correlation between the sacraments and the Bible is a bit hazy. When confronted by non-Catholics wanting to know how...

No evil will be healed unless it is surfaced and made visible

John Cavadini, writing at Notre Dame's Church Life Journal, in an article, "Guidelines for Any Appropriate Response to the Catholic Abuse Crisis," offers a...

A Family Together: Words We Know By Heart

Jesus taught us the words of the Our Father and wanted us to remember them. He knew that if we kept the words he taught us in our hearts, we would always know how to pray. There are other words that we know by heart because they are important to our Catholic faith.

The Catechist and Scripture — A Parish-Based Retreat

DEANNA G. BARTALINI Praying and reflecting on who we are as catechists This retreat is designed so that a local director of religious education and a...

Bible 101

A helpful overview for reading the Bible CATHRYN TORGERSON Reading the Bible is a wonderful adventure! But sometimes it can leave us feeling a little lost,...

A Family Together: Q&A with a Catholic-oku!

The end of the school year is filled with reviews of what you've learned in each subject. This game is a fun way to review what you know about the Catholic Church.

Education in Community Life

By Sr. Mary Kathleen Glavich, SND A community is a group of people who are united because they share common values. A priest once told...

Men of St. Joseph and the New Evangelization

A Profile of a Parish-based Ministry for Men ZACHARY MORGAN Facilitating relevant ministries for the spiritual edification of men can be difficult. Men’s ministries most often...

Passing on the Joyful Encounter: The role of the catechist

BY BISHOP ROBERT MCMANUS, DIOCESE OF WORCESTER Pope Francis has repeatedly reminded the Church that the basis of all evangelization and catechesis is the proclamation...