Saturday, July 27, 2024

Inspiring Mission with Saints and Service

Question: How can I describe to my fourth grade class what it means to be a missionary disciple? How can they practice being on...

“Can I Pray for Narwhals?” – And other favorite survey responses

By the Catechist Staff Top Answers from our Catechist Survey, Spring 2017 Our most recent survey of catechists yielded insightful and entertaining replies. Here are some...

Actor Jim Caviezel calls Catholic young adults to spiritual battle in a stirring 15-min....

Young adults at the Student Leadership Summit conference (#SLS18), sponsored by FOCUS annually, were expecting actor Jim Caviezel to promote the movie, Paul, Apostle...

All Things New – a new year

BY PAT GOHN For the Christian, everything’s new Newness is a hallmark of our lives—and a source of joy. As most of the world awakens to...

Recommended: The Parish Emergency Kit + supplement on the abuse crisis

We never know when a tragedy might strike us locally, nationally, or globally. It might be the horror of a nearby school shooting, or...

Happy Easter Season!

A Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to All

From the Catechist magazine team

Healing the Hearts of the Students You Serve

Jesus sends us on a healing mission JARED DEES Mother Teresa worked as a teacher in a Catholic school in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) for 20 years....

Living a Radiant Life of Witness: In and Out of the Classroom

BY LISA MLADINICH I posted a complaint on Facebook a while back: I was feeling uninspired. Right away, a friend remarked that she always starts...

Praying Together Though Worlds Apart

By SUSIE LLOYD Today my family prayed the rosary again for deliverance from coronavirus. Unlike our usual family rosaries, this one included family from other...