The Call to Catechetical Leadership
Discerning the path of growth into a new role
Every so often during a major snowstorm here in the Northeast, we hear on the...
Catechist Honors Program
Catechist magazine would like to say “thank you” to catechists around the country for answering the call to share the Good News.
Be a Hero in the Life of Your Students
In the years since the start of the new millennium, we have learned a lot about how to keep our children safe.
Catechist: “I don’t know enough about this week’s topic.”
Perhaps it would be true to say, "We never will." One of the enlivening realities about our faith is that there will always be...
Parish Leader: “My home life is suffering as a result of parish ministry.”
Like the call to have a regular spiritual practice, the need to "have a life" outside of parish work is essential. It not only...
Replay of Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Homily, Adoration, Benediction from St. Peter’s on...
Below is the link you need to read the Pope's message, prayers to end the COVID19 pandemic, and the blessing for the city and...
Catechist: “I don’t know all the answers. Why did I say yes?”
A bishop new to his diocese visited the oldest priest in the the diocese and asked him, "What has helped you to stay faithful...
Scandals got you down? Not ready to teach this season?
If you are not ready to going back to being a catechist... what then?
Many men and women who serve the Church as volunteers...
The Heart of Catechesis — why we do what we do
The first time I attended a religious education class, I was in grade one. My catechist, a lively high school student, taught...
10 Blessings From Living at Such a Time As This
Faith gives us focus to see more clearly through raging storms such as the world pandemic we find ourselves in. Of course,...