During the current health crisis caused by COVID-19, Bayard is providing the texts of the Sunday liturgies to you free of charge as an aid to worship, especially for those who cannot attend Sunday liturgies because of illness or because they have been cancelled. While this is not a replacement for actual attendance at a Sunday Mass, it will allow you to immerse yourself in the Scripture readings and prayers for each Sunday, along with our reflection on the readings. Go to Living With Christ.
In addition, our editors have compiled a list of resources to help parents provide social engagement and faith-based interaction during periods of school or church closures.
Simply click on the links below to access free resources from Catechist and other Bayard Brands.
Together we pray…
For a limited time, the products available on BayardFaithResources.com are at 10% OFF when you use promo code MARCH20 at checkout.
Posted by the Editor.
Read more articles about catechesis at home during a crisis.
Image credit: Andrey_Popov / Shutterstock 566238733