St. Joseph teaches us how to really live!
An angel visits you in the middle of the night with a message: Someone in your family is in terrible danger. God wants you to escape to a foreign country — tonight! Would you do it?
If you were St. Joseph, you would. Joseph led his family safely to Egypt, just as the angel of the Lord commanded. Joseph probably didn’t know anyone in that foreign land or speak the language. He left behind his job, his home, and his friends. But he brought along his faith in God and his love for Jesus and Mary.
Joseph trusted God no matter what. For instance, God told Joseph to take Mary into his home, even though she was pregnant with God’s son. Of course, people adopt and take in foster children every day, but this is God’s own Son we’re talking about! Do you think Joseph was nervous? Did he worry about making mistakes? Maybe, but it didn’t stop him from opening his home and his heart to Mary. And St. Joseph lovingly raised Jesus as his own child.
When God told Joseph to take Mary and baby Jesus to Egypt, Joseph probably remembered how his ancestors had been mistreated there. Moses had led God’s people out of Egypt, but now, in this case, God was telling Joseph to go back. That had to be scary. But Joseph had faith. He did as God asked.
We can celebrate St. Joseph’s feast day by living as he would. Many Catholics start this day by going to Mass. Italian families often have a big feast of delicious pasta, breads, and desserts called a St. Joseph’s Table. Just as St. Joseph opened his home to Mary, they invite others to join their feast. Whether you share your lunch with someone or invite friends over for dinner, you are opening your heart, just like St. Joseph. Now that’s a celebration!
BONUS: Download this page in a PDF format with activities to help celebrate this feast day. Click here: CAT.March2019_LivingtheLiturgicalYear_web
Connie Clark is editor of Living Faith Kids, a quarterly magazine of daily Catholic devotions for children. To learn more, visit LivingFaithKids.com.
This article was originally published in Catechist magazine, March 2019