Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Our Mission Is to Make Parents Disciples

On Reaching Out to your Students’ Parents and Inviting them In JARED DEES If there is one source of complaint or repeated question I can expect...

Children on Mission

A Church-sponsored Approach for Engaging Children in the Missionary Task MAUREEN CROWLEY HEIL Each year, through the programs and lessons of the Missionary Childhood Association (formerly...

Living as Missionary Disciples — by Bishop Robert J. McManus

Being Urged on By the Love of Christ Bishop Robert J. McManus “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the...

Calling Others to Decide for Christ

Catechists as Missionary Disciples Marcel LeJeune Imagine, for a moment, the perfect Catholic disciple. What would that person focus on? What would they be passionate about?...

Leading DRE: 3 Summer-Break Planning Strategies

Before you Pause, Look Back and Look Forward DEANNA BARTALINI The catechetical year is winding down. You’ve made it through whirlwind months of working on...

Inspiring Mission with Saints and Service

Question: How can I describe to my fourth grade class what it means to be a missionary disciple? How can they practice being on...

Where Is God Moving?

How "What God is Doing Now" Leads to "What We Might do Next" BECKY GROTH Years ago, I attended a Bible study that focused on following...

Times to turn to Scripture — a reference list for young Catholics

Many people turn to Scripture to interpret their lives, their feelings, and their world through God's Word. Use this list yourself as a reference, or...

Catholic I.Q – The Catholic Church: Her mission and members

DAVID O’BRIEN Here’s a 20-question quiz on the Catholic Church. It contains sample questions such as: What is the central mission of the Catholic Church? ...

50 Years Later: Unwrapping Humanae Vitae

Sr. Brittany Harrison, FMA A gift for teens and teachers alike This year, the Church commemorates the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical...