Saturday, July 27, 2024

5 Rules for Life: Chris Stefanik from SEEK 2019 on finding and knowing joy

Chris Stefanik on joy and how you know Christian joy. Chris discusses how to kick self-loathing and begin to think with the mind of...

A Lot To Offer: a recap of the recent Synod

A look at the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment KATIE PREJEAN McGRADY I was in the midst of changing my four-month-old daughter’s...

One Sister’s Vocation Story: From the Daughters of St. Paul

A beautiful story from the Daughters of St. Paul. Share this with middle-schoolers, teens, and adults. Learn more here. Image credit: Daughters of St. Paul

The Letter and Spirit of the Law

The importance of the what and the why BECKY GROTH A guest on a radio program made a point that I’ve never forgotten: If all we...

Youth Ministry as Apprenticeship

Mentoring the skills and dispositions for a vital Christian faith TIMOTHY P. O'MALLEY In youth ministry in the United States, emphasis is often placed on large-scale...

Pairing Family Catechesis with Youth Ministry

Questions to help you discern actionable goals BECKY GROTH As more and more parishes move to a family-centered religious education model, it makes sense to consider...

Ground Your Youth Ministry Program in Intercessory Prayer

Here is a practical way to develop prayer partners for your ministry LAUREN SCHARMER It all started with a simple Facebook post: “Would you be willing...

The Spiritual Questions of Gen Z

A framework for youth ministry for the first post-Christian generation DOUG TOOKE For the last 15 years, Catholic faith-formation experts have been struggling over the best...

Teens Dealing with Difficulties: The Most Important Words We Can Say

BY LAUREN SCHARMER  Reflecting on my five years working in youth ministry, I am convinced that the most important words we can say to our...

Snatched from the Dragon, Caught for Christ

The importance of youth ministry PAT GOHN Looking back on my younger years, I’m grateful for the parish-based youth ministry that offered regular retreats and weekly...