The Big Yes
Preparing Children for Reconciliation
Prayer Puzzles
Help children memorize common prayers
Memorized prayer has an important place in our Catholic faith, but memorization can be a challenge for students, especially...
Meditation Moment: In Tune with All Creation
by Jeanne Heiberg
Dim lights and create as much quiet as possible. Slowly read this meditation, pausing between sentences.
Saint Francis loved God and all...
Yes You Can—Teach About the Holy Spirit: One Heart and Soul
How the Spirit helps build unity and generosity in us
Perusing the Bible for a description of the early Church, we quickly get a...
Catholic I. Q. — Test Your Knowledge of Saints
David O'Brien
Here’s a 20-question quiz on the Saints. It contains sample questions such as:
On All Souls Day we pray for _____________.
___________ has...
Faith in Facts for Young Learners — Advent and Christmas
Do you know these facts about Advent and
Christmas? Read each statement and circle the
letter next to the word or phrase that makes the statement
a fact. Before you begin, fold the bottom of the page
up to the dotted line. That way, you cannot see the Answers
until you’re ready to check your facts. Have fun and learn!
Living the Liturgical Year–The Ascension (free downloadable activity)
The Ascension: Your Past, Present, and Future
Many Catholic feast days celebrate things that happened in the past. But the Ascension is also about...
Motivation to Go to Mass (9 min. video)
At the heart of the Mass is worship. What is worship? Stay with this video.
Great for teens and adults.
Three Kings, Three Wise Men, or What?
QUESTION: The feast of the Epiphany often describes the magi as three wise men — and even three kings, as in the old carol:...
Catholic Rhymes for Review
A Family Together