Friday, October 11, 2024

Celebrating Saints: Catherine Kasper (Feast Day: February 1)

PATRICIA MATHSON Catherine Kasper lived in a village in Germany. She was often sick as a child and missed school. But even as a...

The Ladder of the Beatitudes: Beginning the Ascent

We have all heard the statement: "The first step is the hardest!"

Share “Paul, Apostle of Christ” with Teens and Adults

A discussion guide from the movie’s producers, including film clips, click here. BECKY GROTH Paul, Apostle of Christ offers a moving personal depiction of some of the...

Advice from Master Catechists—November/December 2014

by Janet Schaeffler, Dan Thomas, Kate Ristow, and Chris WeberAdvent Colors Why is violet the liturgical color for Advent—a color for penance—when the season...

Anointing of the Sick – 5-minute video from Catholic Central

The Catholic Central team explains the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick with compassion and humor. Suitable for all ages.   Image credit: Courtesy of...

Catholic I.Q. — Quizzes about Holy Orders

Here’s a 20-question quiz about Holy Orders and Ordination. It contains sample questions such as: The major symbol of the sacrament of Holy Orders...

Teaching the Sacraments: The Heart of the Matter

The Seven Sacraments make up a central and unifying aspect of our Catholic Christian identity.

Roots and Wings: Helping Students Understand and Celebrate the Sacraments

Generations of Catholics grew up learning by rote the Baltimore Catechism definition of a Sacrament: "an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace."

Children’s Liturgy of the WORD — 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wishing you a blessed 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time! Invite children to watch this special Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Thanks to Heidi and Mark...

Celebrating Saints—Caterina Volpicelli—December 28

PATRICIA MATHSON Caterina lived in Italy with her family. As a teen she enjoyed going to plays and dances with friends. When Caterina was 15...