Friday, April 26, 2024

Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue

By Susie Lloyd Catholics are big on Mary. We place her statue in our front yards, hang her rosary from our rearview mirrors, and wear...

Advice from Pope Francis to DREs in Evangelii Gaudium

The primary resource that people have turned to for Pope Francis’s viewpoints is his first apostolic exhortation, titled Evengelii Gaudium (“On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World”). I, too, am enthusiastic about his approach and vision of evangelization and catechesis.

Thanksgiving "Because" Litany

by staff Click here for a Thanksgiving litany. Copyright 2011, Bayard, Inc. All rights reserved. This article is protected by United States copyright and other...

Celebrating Passover in the Classroom

There is an intrinsic connection between the celebration of the Jewish Passover and the Last Supper in our Catholic Tradition.

Yes, You CAN Be a Catechist!

BY SARAH REINHARD Answering Common Excuses and Fears If you think that being a catechist takes a big investment of time, you're right. But that time...

Forgiveness Month

February can put us in touch with how we are not the people we hope to be, are meant to be.

Our Vocation and Calling: A Gift from God

Having a special purpose in life—a calling, a vocation—is a gift from God that comes with our birth and our Baptism. It’s a privilege—and it’s well worth our time and effort to discover and prepare for our vocation in life. We are not likely to be completely happy and fulfilled until we realize what our vocation is and follow it.

¡Gloria a Dios en las alturas!

The period from September 15 to October 15 has been set aside to honor and celebrate Hispanic heritage. It is a very good time for all of us who share the catechetical ministry to learn more about how this heritage is forming and enriching our local churches.

Consider Saints in Your VBS

The upcoming observance of the Feasts of All Saints provides an opportunity for you to consider including saints in your VBS next summer.

Following the Leader: Jesus word’s set the tone for leadership

Jesus’ words to Peter and the disciples set the tone for leadership BY SARA BLAUVELT Years ago I began a Lenten tradition of sending a short...