Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Faith Formation for All: Welcoming, Supporting, and Catechizing Children with Special Needs

Parents must feel that it is important for their child to know God and to have a life-long relationship with God. Perhaps what they are asking of us as catechists, then, is that we help nurture that relationship.

June 22- June 29 is Religious Freedom Week!

The USCCB reminds us that it is Religious Freedom Week: June 22 - June 29. THEME: "For the Good of All" Find resources at the USCCB...

Learn to Love by Loving

A lesson for us all SUSIE LLOYD Overheard at a grocery store bakery … a mom is talking to her kids. “What kind of...

Catechesis and Persons with Disabilities

An excerpt from Salt and Light MAUREEN PRATT Catechesis is a must for all members of the body of Christ, including persons with disabilities. The...

May They Be One

The Eucharist as a sign of unity and a bond of charity SR. MARY MICHAEL FOX, OP On the night before he died, our Savior instituted...

How to Organize the Best Vacation Bible School Team…Ever!

Pope Francis: “The Christian life is not limited to prayer, but requires an ongoing dedication and courage born of prayer.”

Despiertos receives First Place by Association of Catholic Publishers

Bayard and Pflaum Publishing is thrilled to announce that Despiertos (Spanish edition of Awaken) has been awarded first place by the Association of Catholic...

Things to Pray about This Summer

Here we are—coming to the end of our learning year.

A Social Media Session for Parents

Be media mindful at home SR. NANCY USSELMANN, FSP What are parents to do? Smartphones and social media sites seemingly came into existence in the flash...

Imitating God – As Beloved Children

COLLEEN R. VERMEULEN After we’ve put our faith in Jesus as our Lord, we share in God’s divine life. The Holy Spirit flows in us,...