Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Word of God and Mary of Nazareth

Dei Verbum. "The Word of God" is the title for the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.

Pope Francis declares a Year of St. Joseph

On the feast of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pope Francis announced a year to honor St. Joseph,...

The Immaculate Conception Explained (video)

This might be a little fast paced for younger students, but Fr. Mike offers background on the theology and understanding of Mary's Immaculate Conception,...

PRIEST, PROPHET, & KING as a Way of Life

The threefold office of baptized persons JASON GALE In Baptism, the person receives an anointing in which he or she is “incorporated into Christ who is...

First Penance Prep Tips

Finding adaptations for children with autism DAVID AND MERCEDES RIZZO The sacrament of Penance can be a difficult sacrament for people with autism. This sacrament poses...

Pflaum Gospel Weeklies featured on CFN

This 7-minute video offers a look how the Gospel Weeklies bring evangelization and catechesis to parish and families. It features a Q-and-A with publisher...

Digital Citizenship and Equipping Future Saints

Discussing the moral use of technology within religious instruction ANNABEL DOTZMAN Take a moment to think about your daily routines. Technology, intrinsically neither bad nor dangerous,...

Bride of Christ

Question: Can you help me understand — and explain to my middle schoolers — why a religious sister is called a bride of Christ?...

Walking Together in Friendship: A New Resource for Exploring Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti

In the news: Pope Francis has chosen this time to issue a new encyclical, Fratelli tutti, On Fraternity and Social Friendship, acknowledging the perils of...

5 Ways for Students to Discern Vocations

Help them follow in the footsteps of Jesus JARED DEES God has something in store for the students you teach. Each and every one...