Friday, April 19, 2024

Actor Jim Caviezel calls Catholic young adults to spiritual battle in a stirring 15-min....

Young adults at the Student Leadership Summit conference (#SLS18), sponsored by FOCUS annually, were expecting actor Jim Caviezel to promote the movie, Paul, Apostle...

Echoing the Faith with Courage

BY HOSFFMAN OSPINO Facing the catechetical challenges of our time with the message of Jesus Imagine yourself in a large chamber with many walls where anything...

Feeding My Soul with Disappointment, Emergence, and Prayer

Feeding My Soul is designed especially for you—the catechist. It names a catechetical value and gives you the words of prayer for your personal time with the Lord.

Advice from a Master Catechist: Five Big Questions About Same-Sex Attraction

Catechist reached out to Courage International for some answers FR. PHILIP G. BOCHANSKI RESPONDS … St. Paul’s advice to the Ephesians defines the catechist’s mission: “speaking the...

He Is the Vine, We Are the Branches

Each time I drive to do my shopping at the closest supermarket, I pass a yard with reminders of a food source far more ancient than the packaged presentations or aisles of produce that I will find at the supermarket: a vineyard. The grapevines I pass are reminders and symbols from my own past, and from the past of the Church that I dearly love.

Evangelization: Expressions of the Spirit for Our Times

FR. ROBERT CAPONE Reflections from leaders in the field in the Diocese of San Diego Part I Pope Francis calls for a revolution of tenderness. Does such...

What Have We Missed? A Prayer Service for Lent

MARY McENTEE McGILL Ash Wednesday is a day when we are blessed with ashes and told to repent of our sins and believe the Good...

5 Tips for Forming Catechists’ Spirituality

DR. LORI DAHLHOFF Nurturing the spirituality of catechists is crucial to providing effective religious education. Daily meditation on Scripture Incorporate guided meditation on Scripture into meetings...

50 Years Later: Unwrapping Humanae Vitae

Sr. Brittany Harrison, FMA A gift for teens and teachers alike This year, the Church commemorates the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical...

Teaching Reconciliation in the Year of Faith

With the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (Confession), we grow as we go, confident in God's care. No need to expect perfection by next Friday. "Every saint has a past," as the saying goes, "and every sinner has a future."