Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Outreach to the Unaffiliated (25-min. film)

This film, "Outreach to the Unaffiliated," is highly recommended. It was produced by the USCCB's Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, and features an array...

Helpful Q&A about Mass, Confession, and the Gift of Grace during #COVID-19

A very helpful video for Catholics who are suffering from being away from the sacraments during the restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Fr....

I Believe — music video with lyrics from John Burland

From his album, All Are Welcome, Catholic recording artist John Burland says this song — I Believe — and the entire album was specifically written...

Now Go — a music video with lyrics from John Burland

From his album, All Are Welcome, Catholic recording artist John Burland says this song and the entire album was specifically written to support Catholic communities...

It’s Okay Not to Know Everything

Top apologetics resources online SR. BRITTANY HARRISON, FMA My first day on the job as a novice catechist, I looked over my classroom of wiggly fifth-graders...

One Sister’s Vocation Story: From the Daughters of St. Paul

A beautiful story from the Daughters of St. Paul. Share this with middle-schoolers, teens, and adults. Learn more here. Image credit: Daughters of St. Paul

A hymn to Mary, in the wake of Notre Dame’s fire

Just push play and pray along. Suitable for all ages. Thank you to great film-making team at Spirit Juice Studios! Banner image credit: mattabbe / iStock 183305123

Catholic Central presents “The Rosary” (6-min. video)

A fun, informative, history of the Rosary -- and more! Great for middleschoolers, teens, and adults.

#Scripture in Your Pocket

Bible apps and Instagram accounts to bring the Word of God to your device SR. BRITTANY HARRISON, FMA Although I have many goals for my spiritual...

Find a “Little Way” every day with Living Faith Kids!

“I rejoice that I am little,” St. Thérèse of Lisieux once observed. “Because children and those who resemble them will be admitted to the...