Thursday, February 13, 2025

Advent in 2 minutes (video)

Advent in 2 minutes, from the wonderful folks at Busted Halo...

Easy-to-Use Engagement Tools 

Get feedback within groups or classrooms  SR. CAROLINE CERVENY, SSJ-TOSF  Two digital tools will engage your students or parents in responding to you when you want...

Videos that Celebrate Catholicism

1. 2. 3. 4. Word on Fire trailer for the Catholicism film series. 5. We are Catholic.    

Fun and informative: Ash Wednesday and Lent in 60 seconds — with LEGO

The Team at Trideo offers some fast-paced fun! Suitable for children in primary grades and above.

Holy Spirit: (5 min. video of the song by Francesca Battistelli)

A lovely hymn of praise that invokes and welcomes the Holy Spirit by Francesca Battistelli.

“Death isn’t a period, it’s a comma.” – 2 min. video on death and...

The theme of death and our final victory in Christ is the subject of this 2-minute video, from Chris Stefanik at Real Life Catholic....

“Prayer” – a 5-minute video from Catholic Central

An entertaining introductory to prayer. Fine for middle-school age students and up.

Advent Prep for Digital Disciples

Resources to enhance the Advent journey SR. CAROLINE CERVENY Prepare for the Nativity of Jesus using resources from the digital world that surrounds us. Enhance the...

Fr. Mike Schmitz on the Woman Woman movie and a Christian’s call to heroism

Suitable for high school age and older.

Catholic Central – The REAL Presence of the Eucharist (Video: 7 mins.)

Need a refresher or a lesson supplement on the Real Presence? Don't miss this! The REAL PRESENCE of the EUCHARIST Photo credit: Courtesy of Catholic Central