Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Approach Mass – a 4min. video with Chris Stefanik

Suggested for middle school, high school, and young adults. This short talk was given at World Youth Day in Krakow, 2016.   Image credit: Screenshot from...

3 Ways Grandparents and Youth Ministry Go Together

BY ERIC GROTH My paternal grandmother — God rest her soul — was really Catholic, the matriarch of faith in our family. Maybe you can...

Using Digital Media in Ministry

ERIC GROTH Nothing in history has so rapidly revolutionized the way we communicate as social media. Today's online world is a quite sobering social reality,...

Eight Tips to Promote Teens’ Faith

Discovering Catholicism's Greatness Becky Groth Sometimes our beautiful Catholic faith can be rather heady or hard to grasp. How do we encourage teens that being Catholic...

Teens Using Social Media to Reach and Teach Teens

MARY LOU ROSIEN It often feels as if technology has left some of us adults behind — with Snapchat, Instagram (Finsta- a ‘fake’ Instagram),...

Dear Jesus…

“Honor your father and your mother.” (EXODUS 20:12) TERENCE HEGARTY Dear Jesus, I have now been grounded for a week! My parents are so unfair! Growing up...

Ideas for Increasing Effectiveness in Multicultural Adolescent Catechesis

BY MARY LOU ROSIEN The teens we minister to come from every conceivable background and situation. No two are exactly alike and none have the...

5 Things Youth Ministers Would Like Parents to Know

BY MARY LOU ROSIEN Parents are the first educators of their children. We recognize your ability and desire to form your children in the...

Teaching the Art and Value of Prayer

The Greatest Thing We Can Do ERIC GROTH We exist and were created for three reasons: to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. The Creator made...

Using Music to Prayerfully Lead Youth to Christ

Mix Up Your Use of Musical Genres KATE DANELUK One of the first things we teach young people about prayer is that it is communication with...