Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let Lent Be Your “I Spy” Season

BY ERIC GROTH Have you ever read an I Spy book? Perhaps I Spy Treasure Hunt, I Spy Animals, or for those who like to...

The Constant Conversation with God: 5 tips to get teens started

BY BECKY GROTH  Prayer evokes different images and emotions for different people. There are almost as many ways to pray as there are people to...

Using Social Media to Share Our Faith with Teens

BY AMY CATTAPAN Instagram and Pinterest might not be the first tool you think of when it comes to evangelization, but when you picture your...

God’s Chisel (9-min. video on being God’s masterpiece)

This video from the Skit Guys would be great to use before confession. It shows the challenge and gift in allowing God to...

Plan a Mini Retreat

Connie Clark When my teenager returned from his confirmation retreat, I wondered if I could create a similar experience for my younger students on a...

Pairing Family Catechesis with Youth Ministry

Questions to help you discern actionable goals BECKY GROTH As more and more parishes move to a family-centered religious education model, it makes sense to consider...

Youth Ministry as Apprenticeship

Mentoring the skills and dispositions for a vital Christian faith TIMOTHY P. O'MALLEY In youth ministry in the United States, emphasis is often placed on large-scale...

The Letter and Spirit of the Law

The importance of the what and the why BECKY GROTH A guest on a radio program made a point that I’ve never forgotten: If all we...

7 Tips for Teens (and Everyone Else) to Get the Most Out of Mass

Helping others experience heaven on earth ERIC GROTH If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy.” I love this. St. John Vianney nailed it. He...

Calming Nerves Before Going to Confession

On examining Jesus’ message of forgiveness and mercy BECKY GROTH I went to confession a few weeks back, and as I knelt down, I heard the...