Advice from Master Catechists
Master catechists respond to questions from readers.
Living the Liturgical Year: Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12
What do you need? Tell Our Lady of Guadalupe!
What if someone told you to go to city hall and tell the mayor to...
Gathering Music for Children’s Liturgy of the Word: “Come to the Table” (Video)
Do you work with a children's ministry or children's liturgy of the Word? Here's some gathering music from Miss Heidi and John Burland to...
O Antiphon Chocolate Coins — Advent Craft
By Jessica Gordon
“O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear.”
— “O...
Advent and Christmas Activities
Here are some Advent and Christmas activity sheets from our archives that you can use with your students or send them home for use with...
What Catholics Should Know About the Liturgical Calendar: Advent and Christmas
The Liturgical calendar speak to all our senses. We are drawn in by the fulfillment of tradition that include feast days, celebrations of saints,...
We Gather To Pray: An Advent Prayer Service
Pray with the four themes of the season
The catechetical challenge for Advent is that it’s not Christmas, but everyone around us acts like...
Celebrating St. Francis Xavier (Dec. 3)
Francis Xavier was born in 1506. As a young boy he lived with his family in a castle in Spain. He did well in school and enjoyed sports. As an adult, Francis shared the gospel with people in far away lands such as India and Japan. His life turned out very different from how he thought it would.
Advent in 2 minutes. Courtesy of Busted Halo.
Busted Halo has a creative crew that always comes up with short, timely, share-ables. Like this one! Great for older children, teens, and adults.
A Jesse Tree That’s Not Just For Christmas
Plan Ahead to Recycle your Tree for use all Year
When you take down your Jesse tree after Christmas, have you ever...