Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Complete-A-Project Bible Search: Following Jesus

This Complete-A-Project Bible Search is based on Matthew 4:12-23. It can be used with learners across a broad age range.

A Vocation Vocabulary: Know What You’re Talking About

by Karen M. Elliott, CPPSThe biblical stories of individuals called into a vocational covenant with God and God’s people are as inspiring today...

Faith in Facts for Young Learners —The Bible

Do you know these facts about the Bible? Read each statement and circle the letter next to the word or phrase that makes the statement a fact. Before you begin, fold the bottom of the page up to the dotted line. That way, you cannot see the answers until you’re ready to check your facts. Have fun and learn!

The Art and Skill of Active Listening

by Jeanne Heiberg As we start a new school year, it’s good to think about the art of listening. Will Rogers, a wise American...

Complete-A-Project Bible Search: Loving God the Most

This Complete-A-Project Bible Search activity is for teacher and students (grades 4-6) working together. This Bible Search is based on John 21:1-19.

Complete-A-Project Bible Search: Almsgiving, Praying, and Fasting

This Complete-A-Project Bible Search activity is for teacher and students (grades 4-6) working together. This Bible Search is based on Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18, the Gospel that is read on Ash Wednesday.

Bread for the Journey: The Scriptures and the Spirituality of the Catechist

How can one gain a deeper love of God's Word? Drawing on Verbum domini and other sources of the Church's collective wisdom, let me suggest a few ways.

How to Read, Reflect On, and Pray the Parables

Storytelling has always and everywhere been the main way to teach religious truth. Primal religions communicated their beliefs and outlooks almost exclusively through anecdotes, myths, and fables.

Rediscovering the Parables: The Question of a Correct Understanding

The parables that Jesus told can be a source of confusion for many people of our times. People wonder why Jesus talked in riddles that often can be difficult to understand. How does a catechist go about deciphering and explaining the point that the Lord was trying to make?

A Family Together: Where Am I? What’s Happening?

It's fun to imagine ourselves in some of the Scripture stories we hear. Put yourself into each of these short stories, then answer the questions about where you are and what is happening.