Create a Childrens Journey to the Cross
A meaningful way to involve children and their families in a special Good Friday tradition is to host a Children’s Journey to the Cross. This is a specially adapted Stations of the Cross in which children and their families participate together.
The Parables of and in Our Lives
This is the last article in the series titled “The Mystery and Wonder of the Parables.” Throughout the last six articles, we have been invited to capture anew the meaning, richness, and beauty of Jesus’ parables. We have discovered that the parables are more than simple, short stories that entertain us. Rather, parables are bold challenges that rekindle our understanding of the Kingdom of God and the meaning of discipleship.
Advice from Pope Francis to DREs in Evangelii Gaudium
The primary resource that people have turned to for Pope Francis’s viewpoints is his first apostolic exhortation, titled Evengelii Gaudium (“On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World”). I, too, am enthusiastic about his approach and vision of evangelization and catechesis.
Responding to Pope Francis Call to Serve Others
by Kate Ristow
From the first days of his papacy, we learned that our newly elected Holy Father, Pope Francis, was a man of...
Effective Teaching: How to Stay Energized All Year Long
Catechists need to be fueled with a missionary zeal
Catechist of the Month: Bernadette Ek
by The staff of Catechist
Editor’s Note: Catechist magazine is proud to recognize the outstanding work of exceptional catechists. In this section we...
Youth Ministry: Helping Restless Teens to Focus on Faith
by Lisa Mladinich
Contemporary neuroscience has revealed a remarkable adaptive characteristic in the brain: Whatever actions we perform repeatedly cause our neurological pathways to...
Leading DRE: Living a Life of Mercy
by Margaret Matijasevic
As catechists, the essence of our vocation is to echo the word of God through the life we live and the...
Bits O’Wisdom: Tender Mercy
Celebrate Mercy! Be Merciful!
Your Space: Open with WELCOME
The learning area needs to express warmth and welcome to your students. Here is an idea for how to decorate and arrange your learning space and prayer table for September.