Saturday, January 18, 2025

How to Start a Catechist Book and Media Club

One of the difficult things for volunteer catechists to do is find time to read catechetical or theological material. After all, catechists are busy people. They often have families, jobs, and household responsibilities, and, of course, they generously volunteer their time to be catechists. A book and media club might be one way to help catechists reflect on their experiences of faith. It might also be a way to help them develop a sense of community among themselves.

End-of-year Thank-You Prayer and Blessing

As our year's program comes to an end, we want to take time to thank those who have diligently labored, exercised patience, and modeled Christian love to share the Catholic faith with the children, teens, and adults participating in the parish education and faith formation programs. A nice party or a pretty thank-you card is not enough! This is a time for a significant blessing of those who have served your parish responsibly!

Beyond Recruitment: The Catechetical Team and Formation

by Kate Ristow for a Catechist Formation Interest Survey. Whew! What a relief! After months of following up on leads, networking, interviewing, praying, and...

Slide presentation: “Being versus Doing: A Retreat for Catechists”

Here are the slides that accompany the article: “Being versus Doing: A Retreat for Catechists," by Sr. Patricia M. McCormack, IHM. Here are the slides: Being...

Who Do You Say I Am?

Working with Junior High Students

Evangelizing Parents: First Things First

As a parent myself, I know that parenting responsibilities are all-reaching and overwhelming. Parenting experts stress that if a child is to be healthy, then wholesome food must be served at home and exercise must be a part of family life. If a child is to become academically successful, the home is responsible for fostering a love of learning. Parents are called to lead by example.

Your Space: The Waters of Baptism

The learning area needs to inspire and engage your students. Here is an idea for how to decorate and arrange your learning space and prayer table with a Baptism theme.

Let the Party Continue!

Do the newly initiated deserve an extended period of hand-holding and deeper inquiry? Can the spirit of mystagogy pervade all of catechesis in your parish? Or, where you live, is it true that CCD really means communion, confirmation, done?

Teaching Students to Show Reverence at Mass

The Mass is rich with tradition and meaning.

Advice from Master Catechists—November/December 2011

by Dan Thomas, Kate Ristow, Chris Weber, and Sr. Janet SchaefflerShould I ask for the gift of going to Mass? Q: Week after week,...