Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Attending to Spiritual Direction: What it is — and how it helps

By Joy Davis “As she has always done, today the Church continues to recommend the practice of spiritual direction, not only to all those who...

A Catechism Lesson: Discouraged by Evil and Sin? Take heart!

By Pat Gohn Discouraged by evil and sin? Take heart! Our Catholic faith helps us understand the spiritual battle between God and evil. We’ve all...

The Prophetic Power of Humanae Vitae: a 40-min. talk by Mary Eberstadt

A very interesting talk for adults by a very thorough researcher. Learn interesting statistics about "where we are" today in light of the teaching...

Prayer that Bears Fruit

How to abide in Christ through LOVE of the Word SONJA CORBITT Today’s catechists have access to more resources and training in Catholic ministry and formation...

Alpha as the On-Ramp to Evangelization

A Profile on How a Growing Parish is Reaching Others for Christ DAN O’ROURKE Walter stands in front of the altar at our church, sharing his...

Reaching Hearts on the Peripheries

A Look at Evangelization Grounded in Ignatian Spirituality BY FR. WILLIAM M. WATSON, SJ Important elements of Francis’ evangelical vision are inspired by St. John Paul...

Curating and Targeting Adult Faith Formation

On Moving Away From One Size Fits All John Roberto Typical parish adult faith formation approaches often utilize a “one-sizefits-all” program — a Lenten speaker series,...

Podcasts and the Spiritual Life

Resources to Strengthen and Develop Your Prayer Kris McGregor While speaking to some U.S. bishops in 2011, Pope Benedict XVI said, “Only through ... interior renewal...

Hurry—Only Four More Weeks ’til Christmas!

Advent is a Time for Spiritual Housekeeping SUSIE LLOYD As we prepare to celebrate the coming of Jesus let us keep in mind this often-overlooked truth...

Can a Catholic Marry a Non-Catholic? (10-min. video)

A seemingly simple question many of us are asked. Take 10 minutes and listen to this explanation.