This quiz can help you, your students, and your students’ families review what you know about our Catholic faith. Check your answers against the downloadable answer key below.
1. ______ is the first season on the Church calendar.
a) Lent
b) Advent
c) Easter
d) Christmas
2. The readings at Mass for the first weeks of Advent focus on Jesus’ second coming and the judgment of the world.
True | False
3. Advent lasts _______ .
a) for 40 days
b) until the Christmas sales end
c) until the groundhog appears
d) four weeks
4. “O Come, O Come Emmanuel, and ransom captive _______ .”
a) Israel
b) Pokémon
c) hostages
d) prisoners
5. Jesus’ cousin’s name is _____.
a) Joseph
b) Myron
c) John the Baptist
d) George
6. When the Virgin Mary announced that she was pregnant, everyone was happy.
True | False
7. Mary was the mother of ______.
a) John the Baptist
b) God but not Jesus
c) God
d) Jesus but not God
8. Mary was a teenager when the angel told her she would be the mother of God’s son.
True | False
9. When John baptized people, he was in the river ______ (Matthew 3:6).
a) Mississippi
b) Amazon
c) Nile
d) Jordan
10. When will the kingdom of God begin?
a) when Jesus returns
b) when Mary conceived Jesus in her womb
c) when people stop sinning
d) the end of the world
11. Christmas celebrates ____________.
a) the beginning of Lent
b) Christ’s resurrection
c) the birth of Christ
d) the arrival of Santa
12. St. Francis was there when Jesus was born.
True | False
13. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are members of the Holy _______.
a) Name Society
b) Club
c) Trinity
d) Family
14. The Magi who visited the newborn Jesus were ___________ (Matthew 2:1-12).
a) wise men from the East
b) types of bugs
c) young magicians
d) from the town of Magiopolis
15. Christmas lights are a symbol of Jesus, who is the “ ______ of the world” (John 8:12).
a) Rudolph’s nose
b) light
c) sun
d) flashlight
16. The word crèche means __________.
a) “candy canes” in Russian
b) “jump like a French ballet dancer”
c) “crush” in French
d) “a representation of the Nativity scene”
17. Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to _________ , even though Mary was nine months pregnant.
a) Jerusalem
b) Bethlehem
c) Rome
d) Egypt
18. It was snowing when Jesus was born on the first Christmas.
True | False
19. The Feast of the Annunciation celebrates ___________ .
a) the angel’s announcement to Mary that she would be Jesus’ mother
b) the birth of Jesus
c) Jesus’ graduation from college
d) when Jesus told Pontius Pilate that he was God
20. Joseph found a fancy hotel for Mary to rest in before she went to the hospital to deliver the baby Jesus.
True | False
David O’Brien, MDiv, MA, is the Faith Formation Director at St. Timothy Church in Florida. He teaches theology at St. Leo University and is author of There’s a Beer in My Handbag: Unusual Thoughts about Everyday Faith.
This quiz originally was published in Catechist magazine, Nov/Dec 2016.
Download a PDF of this Quiz by clicking on this link: CAT_Nov-Dec2016_CathIQ
Download a PDF of the answer key by clicking on this link: CAT_Nov-Dec2016_CathIQ_answers
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