Light up the world today!
Have you ever spent a night without electricity? It can be scary when the power goes out and everything is dark. The people waiting for the Messiah lived in darkness of a different kind. Simeon was one of these people, but his faith in God kept him going.
God had revealed to Simeon that he wouldn’t die until he’d seen the Messiah. So Simeon waited. Years went by; Simeon grew old waiting, but he had faith in God’s promise. One day, at the Temple in Jerusalem, he saw Mary and Joseph with their newborn son. Simeon took one look at the baby they carried, and he knew the Messiah had come. He took baby Jesus in his arms. “Now Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word,” Simeon said, “for my eyes have seen your salvation … a light for revelation” (Luke 2:29-32).
We celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple in the middle of winter. Christmas was 40 days ago, but when we remember that Jesus’ birth brought God’s light and life to our world, even the gloomiest days are brighter. Everyone — old, young, rich, poor, sick, or well — can share in this light and even hold it in our arms, just as Simeon held baby Jesus all those years ago.
We celebrate Christ’s light today in many ways. In some churches, candles are blessed; today’s feast is also known as Candlemas. Many people keep their Nativity scenes up until today, too. One delicious way people celebrate is by eating pancakes. With their round shape and golden color, pancakes remind us of the springtime sun that we wait for, just as Simeon waited for the light of the world.
Is it cold and dreary where you live? Remember that Jesus says you, too, are the light of the world. Don’t hide your light. Share it with someone today — and give others something to celebrate!
CONNIE CLARK is editor of Living Faith Kids, a magazine of daily Catholic devotions for children. To learn more, visit LivingFaith.com/kids.
This article was originally published in Catechist, February 2020.