Whether one is seven years old preparing for First Communion, or an adolescent in formation toward Confirmation, this prayer describes the constant need for the continuing and strengthening presence of the Holy Spirit.
With the laying on of hands and the anointing with chrism in the Sacrament of Confirmation, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not being received for the first time. Rather, the gifts already given and received at Baptism, the very same gifts received by the disciples at Pentecost, are being confirmed and sealed by the Holy Spirit within each candidate.
The next time you hear young people say “I will be confirmed by Bishop _____,” remind them and encourage them to instead say, “I will be confirmed by the Holy Spirit. Bishop _____ will be laying on hands and anointing me.”
The prayer below is offered as a resource to assist catechists and candidates to reinforce this understanding.
Prayer for Confirmation Candidates
To you, the candidate:
In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the bishop is the minister who, along with the praying community and in the name of the Church, calls upon the Holy Spirit. The desires and gifts of the Holy Spirit have been with you since your Baptism. With the laying on of hands, and as you are anointed with the oil of chrism, the Holy Spirit will confirm what has been true for you, and what God is still doing in you. It is that personal! So, be thinking and praying about what in particular you want the Holy Spirit to confirm in you as you are anointed in the Sacrament of Confirmation. And pray this prayer often during the formation process!
(The prayer can be prayed individually, or in a group by having each person read one statement with all responding.)
God’s acceptance and love for me just as I am … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The new life of my Baptism when I became a child of God … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The words my parents and godparents said on my behalf at Baptism … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
My closeness to Jesus each time I receive Communion… Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
My desire to follow Christ more closely as his disciple … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
My acts of service and love to my family and friends … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The knowledge that God created me for greatness and to be a saint … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
My desire to pray even when I am not sure how … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
My desire to turn to God in difficult times … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
My searching faith, and the strength to stay with my questions … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The softening of my hard heart … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The assurance that God helps me find second chances … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
Your peace when I am in conflict … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The humility to give and to ask for forgiveness … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The courage to face challenges … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The desire to care for God’s creation … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The generosity of heart to stand in justice with the poor … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
Your help to remember, as Jesus promised, “everything I have taught you” … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The gift of Wisdom to recognize the importance of keeping God central in my life … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The gift of Understandingto hear and know God’s voice speaking to me … Holy Spirit,
confirm in me.
The gift of Knowledge to explore God’s revelation and the mysteries of our faith … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The gift of Counsel to make good choices and to see the best way to follow Jesus … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The gift of Fortitude giving me the courage to do what I know is right … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The gift of Piety helping me pray to God with a true heart … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
The gift of Awe and Wonder to beamazed by God’s presence, in small ways and in big way … Holy Spirit, confirm in me.
Holy Spirit, you are the giver of many gifts which God wants to give me very personally. Open my heart and my mind as I prepare for Confirmation. Help me to know that you are confirming all the goodness that I am, and all the goodness that I will become. Increase my desire to know and follow Jesus as his disciple with a grateful and courageous heart. Amen.
This prayer and the opening text was composed by Jane Casserly Myers, director of faith formation, Bellarmine Chapel, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. A copy of this prayer is also found in Catechist magazine, October 2019.
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