Sunday, November 3, 2024

Non-Academic Learning is Important, too, during School Closings

SUSIE LLOYD My niece, a mom of four, messaged me on Facebook. “God bless you for what you’ve done all these years.” She’s talking about...

Leading DRE: Improving Communications with Parents

A bridge for relationship and growth COLLEEN R. VERMEULEN As catechetical leaders, we experience firsthand the reality that “parents are the principal and first educators of...

A Real Steal

“You shall not steal.” (EXODUS 20:15) TERENCE HEGARTY “See, I told you it would be easy!” you heard Lee say. She startled you because you couldn’t...

Lesson Plan Template

Here is a handy Lesson Plan template from the Catechist Handbook and Planning Guide. You can download the template by clinking on the blue link...

Lessons for April 26 for Pflaum Gospel Weeklies

Attention PGW parents and catechists/teachers: here are the bookmarks to view the Lesson Overviews for April 26. (Login required.) Seeds (English) https://youtu.be/xRZ2K0UYaqM?t=1486 Seeds: (Spanish) https://youtu.be/qYoPOiWS4qo?t=1674 Promise: (English) https://youtu.be/V6QOpJpK8jQ?t=2222 Promise: (Spanish) https://youtu.be/Zxv7VnLCefY?t=1547 Good News:...

Hearts and Hands Celebrate God’s Love

February celebrates St. Valentine's Day with hearts, flowers, and tokens of love. This month offers us another, more serious look at love as we enter into the Season of Lent. We are invited to reflect on how much God loves us.

Bringing Healing to a Wounded Church

BY JOHN BURGER Fr. Thomas Berg had just finished celebrating morning Mass. The faithful had left the church, and Fr. Berg was locking up. As...

Lend a Hand, Lift a Heart!

MARY ANN DOBBS 'Lend a Hand, Lift a Heart!' was the theme for the religious education program at St. Roch Parish in Flat Rock, MI....