Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Celebrating Saints: Francisco and Jacinta Marto—February 20th

PATRICIA MATHSON One day three children were watching their family’s sheep in Fatima, Portugal. Francisco Marto was 9 years old; his sister Jacinta was 7,...

Catechist earns 3 Catholic Media Awards

Bayard is pleased to announce that Catechist has earned three awards from the Catholic Press Association's 2020 Catholic Media Awards: 3RD PLACE / Magazine of...

Top 10 Myths About Clergy Abuse in the Catholic Church, presented by Dr. Thomas...

Here are two important resources from Psychology Today and Thomas G. Plante, PhD, ABPP regarding the clergy sex abuse crisis: an article and a video....

A Lot To Offer: a recap of the recent Synod

A look at the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment KATIE PREJEAN McGRADY I was in the midst of changing my four-month-old daughter’s...

50 Years Later: Unwrapping Humanae Vitae

Sr. Brittany Harrison, FMA A gift for teens and teachers alike This year, the Church commemorates the 50th anniversary of Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae, an encyclical...


Learning to Navigate the Twitter-verse SR. BRITTANY HARRISON If you read the title of this article as “number sign” or “pound” Digital Catechists, then we have...

Experts Meet in Rome on Internet Safety

Safeguarding Minors from Predators, Porn, and the “Dark Web” PAT GOHN Raising awareness for the preciousness of the dignity of children, especially in the face of...

Convocation 2017: Catholic Education and Catechesis Recap

Notes From the Session Panelists Thomas W. Burnford & Margaret Matijasevic The 2017 Convocation of Catholic Leaders on July 1-4 in Orlando was a historic gathering...