Sunday, May 5, 2024

First Communion Prep Tips: Adaptations for Children with Special Needs

By David and Mercedes Rizzo Holy Communion is one of the main ways we encounter Jesus. Preparation for First Communion is an important focus of...

Formation of Conscience

A useful and informative video from the folks at Catholic Central. Suitable for middle-schoolers and up! Reminder: Always pre-screen videos to be sure their content is...

Evangelizing Parents: First Things First

As a parent myself, I know that parenting responsibilities are all-reaching and overwhelming. Parenting experts stress that if a child is to be healthy, then wholesome food must be served at home and exercise must be a part of family life. If a child is to become academically successful, the home is responsible for fostering a love of learning. Parents are called to lead by example.

6 Principles for Managing Successful Faith Formation Sessions

"Why? What did I do wrong?" asked James as I, a frustrated new catechist, banished him to the hall for bad behavior.

Virtual Pilgrimage to Rome

Bayard, Inc. Launches the Virtual Pilgrimage "Rome, at the heart of the Church" “For the Church, pilgrimages, in all their multiple aspects, have always been...

The Sacraments: Things to Get or Encounters to Enter

Parents often think that the Sacraments are "things to get" for their children.

Increasing Bible Literacy

Diving deeper into Scripture deepens our life with Christ PAT GOHN Increasing Bible literacy in our students ought to be one of our aims as catechists....

Getting Class Started: From Chatter to Lesson

LEE DANESCO You can direct pre-class enthusiasm into the faith-sharing experience of the day through activity. Here are some creative ways to move from chatter...

The Inspiration of John Henry Newman

Lessons we can learn from his life and teaching AARON T. MARTIN Although we don’t generally label John Henry Newman as a catechist, his life...

What Does Heaven Look Like?

So much more than we imagine SUSIE LLOYD A little boy sat coloring at the kitchen table. “Guess what, Mom?” he said. “I’m drawing a picture...