Saturday, July 27, 2024

Be an Evangelizing Catechist!

As a catechist, you share the Good News of Christ with others.

Healing the Hearts of the Students You Serve

Jesus sends us on a healing mission JARED DEES Mother Teresa worked as a teacher in a Catholic school in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) for 20 years....

Praying Together Though Worlds Apart

By SUSIE LLOYD Today my family prayed the rosary again for deliverance from coronavirus. Unlike our usual family rosaries, this one included family from other...

How Catholics of the Past Lived When Deprived of the Mass

By William O’Leary Millions of Catholics in the United States and elsewhere are currently are not able to attend Mass and receive Jesus in Holy...

10 Blessings From Living at Such a Time As This

PATTI MAGUIRE ARMSTRONG Faith gives us focus to see more clearly through raging storms such as the world pandemic we find ourselves in. Of course,...

Replay of Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Homily, Adoration, Benediction from St. Peter’s on...

Below is the link you need to read the Pope's message, prayers to end the COVID19 pandemic, and the blessing for the city and...

Prayers for the Sick, and those suffering from COVID-19

Pope Francis, via Vatican News, offers this prayer that we are grateful to share. O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign...

Mother Angelica, Catechist to the World

SUSIE LLOYD Stop me if you’ve heard this: the Church is out of touch, a relic of the past, and could not possibly understand the...

The Call to Catechetical Leadership

Discerning the path of growth into a new role BARBARA RAMIAN Every so often during a major snowstorm here in the Northeast, we hear on the...

A Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year to All

From the Catechist magazine team