Saturday, July 27, 2024

Finding a Home

Sacrament preparation is one of the best opportunities the Church has to welcome families and convince them they are in need of a permanent residence. Offering them a listening presence, moments of renewal and growth, and opportunities to discover their own needs for a more spacious place to live may result in a new spiritual home for them.

How to Start a Catechist Book and Media Club

One of the difficult things for volunteer catechists to do is find time to read catechetical or theological material. After all, catechists are busy people. They often have families, jobs, and household responsibilities, and, of course, they generously volunteer their time to be catechists. A book and media club might be one way to help catechists reflect on their experiences of faith. It might also be a way to help them develop a sense of community among themselves.

End-of-year Thank-You Prayer and Blessing

As our year's program comes to an end, we want to take time to thank those who have diligently labored, exercised patience, and modeled Christian love to share the Catholic faith with the children, teens, and adults participating in the parish education and faith formation programs. A nice party or a pretty thank-you card is not enough! This is a time for a significant blessing of those who have served your parish responsibly!

Advice from Master Catechists—April/May 2012

Master Catechists answer questions from readers

The Teen Influence

I have often reflected on the story of the young Jesus teaching in the Temple. "And all who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers" (Luke 2:47). The wisdom of the youthful Jesus comes to mind when I consider the controversy over what age one should be before he or she can take on the full responsibility of being a catechist.

Blessing Our Own Formation

Our roles in catechetics have changed over the years. Decades ago, lay parish leaders of religious education and catechists primarily were faithful volunteers willing to give of their time and energies to assist in helping children learn about Jesus throughout the school year. Today, men and women are trained to be pastoral leaders, directors of religious education, and catechists. Their own faith formation is as important as that of the people to whom they minister.

The Story Continues…

DRE Data brings you concrete suggestions and up-to-date information and insight about parish catechetical leadership.

Oh, for the Help of an Angel! The Art of Selecting Catechetical Materials

Marge heaved the large storage box out of the back of her vintage Volvo station wagon.

Advice from Master Catechists—April/May 2011

A stranger asks one of my students for money. As a catechist, how might I have used this story? A new parish policy affecting the religious education program fee has been approved without my input. Is this grounds for quitting at the end of the year?

Advice from Master Catechists—March 2011

Can you give us pointers on how best to merge our religious education programs? How can I find renewed enthusiasm for my ministry?