Youth Synod Recap

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The Youth Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment came to a close on Oct. 28, 2018. In the next few weeks, the English translation of the synod’s final document will be released. When it does, we’ll link to it here. It remains to be seen if Pope Francis will simply ratify the document that was finalized at the synod, or if he will, as has been papal custom, release an apostolic exhortation in the months to come covering the synod’s themes.

In the meantime, we hope you will find the links below helpful.

Church websites:

The Youth Synod website

The USCCB Synod web page

The Pope’s homily at the closing Mass of the Synod

From news services:

Vatican News: The Synod on Young People: What does the Final Document Say?

La Croix international: The Synod Concludes but will Continue on Local Level

Catholic New Service: Synod document: Listen to, support, guide, include young people

Catholic News Agency: Youth synod final report released, address gender, sexuality


Pat Gohn, editor of Catechist magazine and


Image credit: Daniel Ibáñez/ Catholic News Agency




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